Friday, September 28, 2007


Trabalhinho que fiz junto com my friend Davi K.Lil!
Ele fez os "carinhas nerdinhos" e eu as "menininhas fashion".
Foi bacana ver como funcionou nosso trabalho junto!

That's a little job I did with my friend Davi K.Lil!
He did the "weirdos" and I did the "fashion chicks"
It was nice to see how our drawings would work together!



J. Sena said...

Gostei da variação de tons da mesma cor, o verde. Ficou muito legal, Amanda.

Seus trabalhos são muito bons, curti os esboços e o banner do blog ^^

Um abraço

mike said...

really REALLY nice. you guys make a great team!

Ross Dearsley said...

Hi Amanda - great character work on your blog, and I like the way you use mixed media in some of your art - fantastic!

BTW - thanks also for the English translation! :¬)

Samuel Fonseca said...

Hell yeah!
Muito legal, Amanda! Legal mesmo!